
Empowering organizations
to break down internal
data silos

Atlas is a KYC data sharing platform enabling
organizations to maintain a singular customer view
internally, across divisions, jurisdictions and
subsidiaries, for the purposes of streamlining KYC
and saving time and money in the process.


The Single Version of Truth

Sharing is caring, both for customers &
compliance departments

Your customers are front and center with full control over whom they share their data with on the ecosystem.

Version control means one KYC file per customer

Atlas maintains one version of truth per customer within your organization, ensuring that you never risk asking your customer for the same information twice.

Proactive data updates ensures you always have the latest version of truth

Via Atlas, customers can proactively manage and update their KYC file at any point using the dedicated Customer Portal.


How Atlas Works

01We integrate to your CRM

Atlas is an API-based solution that seamlessly integrates into existing CRM systems helping reduce implementation costs. The platform is built to meet the needs of financial institutions onboarding new customers rapidly and efficiently. Rather than sharing sensitive and personally identifiable information, Atlas enables participants to manage their own data. The sharing of data validations increases the quality of KYC data and presents a singular view of the customer across the entire organization.

02Sensible sharing, Quality data

While the ecosystem participants benefit from increased data quality, their customers benefit from a simple and frictionless KYC process. Customers can quickly and proactively share their previously submitted KYC file via your institution’s Customer Portal (ICP). Furthermore, data submitted by customers to the ecosystem is fully owned and controlled by them.


The Atlas Ecosystem


Integrates with existing infrastructure, decreasing implementation complexity and costs.


Enables data sharing without sacrificing privacy for both participants and their customers.


Can be scaled to meet the complex data governance needs of financial institutions, corporate and individual customers, and regulators across jurisdictions.

Use cases

What Can Atlas Do?

Frictionless Onboarding for Individuals
and Corporates

The Atlas platform allows for streamlined data sharing within a single organisation, its different branches and offices across jurisdictions. All KYC data of every onboarded customer, both for individuals and corporates, is secured as one file, creating the Single Version of Truth

Atlas optimizes internal processes, breaking down data silos, eliminating duplication of efforts, thus saving time for employees and customers alike. Overall, tedious procedures are made effortless and the customer experience is rapidly improved. 

Life is made easier for your cosmopolitan and globalized clients who have opened an account with you in country ‘A’ and now would like to open another in country ‘B’.